As you face your move, you likely have many questions you want answered before signing on the dotted line. Let’s explore some common FAQs about moving.

When is the best time for a move?

Well, if you have a choice, try not to move in the summer, at the end of the month or during busy holidays. This is because most moving companies are in demand during these times and may not have the trucks, manpower or equipment to provide the best help. It may also be more difficult to get the time slot you want.

When should I contact a moving company?

The sooner you can, the better. Ideally, you should give them a month to six weeks notice in order to be guaranteed the best delivery schedule.

Should I request an in-person estimate?

This is a must, and any reputable moving company will insist on coming to your home to provide an in-depth estimate. Your moving professional will take a look around, ask questions about everything you plan on moving, take measurements and weigh certain large items. This makes for a much more detailed estimate than one given over the phone.

How long will my move take?

First off, this will depend greatly on how far away you are moving. Other conditions that may affect the duration include time of year, what the weather is, how much stuff you have to move, and how heavy your belongings are. Also, consider your environment. Moving from a three-story narrow-halled apartment with no elevator will take considerably more time than a simple move out the front door of a home. Sometimes, two shipments/trips are necessary to transport all your belongings, which takes additional time.

How do I know exactly how much I will pay?

While you can usually get a pretty accurate estimate from your moving company, the exact cost can’t be determined until all your things are on the truck and it has been weighed. Also, if you tack on additional services after the initial estimate, you will be responsible for paying those.

When do I pay?

Never pay up front before any services have been rendered. Reputable movers will ask that you pay up before your items are unloaded at the new destination. Typically you can pay by money order, cash, or credit card, but not by personal check.

Do I have to pack and unpack everything myself?

While you certainly can handle all the packing and unpacking on your own, your moving company is usually happy to provide these services for you, at an extra charge. You can choose to have your professional movers pack just a portion of your belongings as well, such as a valuable item like a flat screen TV that needs proper care.