If a move is in your future, whether due to work or personal reasons, getting rid of all that household junk will be the first priority. After all, why pay to move stuff you just don’t need? Moving and downsizing means de-cluttering your space before you start boxing up your valuables.

We know it can be challenging to decide what to keep and what to toss, so here are some tips for you:

Step 1: Clean the Closets

If your closet is so stuffed with unworn clothes that you can’t even close the door, it’s time to purge. Think about this with each article you touch:

  • Have you worn it in the last year? If you’ve been through four seasons without donning that ruffled shirt, you probably won’t ever wear it. It’s safe to say you can get rid of it.
  • Is it trendy or is it classic? If you’re waiting for a trend to come back into style, be prepared to wait 20 years, which is the typical time it takes for a particular style of clothing to make a resurgence in popularity. Why hold onto something for two decades in the hopes it will be fashionable again? Instead, stick to classics like that little black dress that will never go out of style.
  • Does it fit? You may have been keeping those size 8 jeans for years because you want to fit in them again someday. But why torture yourself like that? Buy clothing that fits and flatters, and get rid of the stuff that doesn’t.
  • Is it in good condition? Toss anything that is stained, ripped or damaged beyond repair.

Next, make a few piles: one for donations, one for trash and one for keeps that you can start boxing up for your move.

Step 2: Donate or Sell Unwanted Stuff

As for furniture, kitchen items and knick-knacks, now’s the time to sell or donate before you spend a lot of time and money moving them to your new location. If downsizing, it’s just a fact of life that you can’t realistically bring your huge sectional with you. If you absolutely can’t part with a particular piece of furniture or appliance, consider renting a storage unit.

Everything else can be donated to local charities. Or, you can call a junk removal company to haul away all of your unwanted stuff at an affordable price.

Step 3: Remove Appliances and Electronics

Appliances and electronics take up a lot of space, so purging now will save you later. If something is outdated or damaged, donate or toss it. Confirm with your junk removal company what they will take and not take. You can also sell your gently-used electronics and appliances online or hold a yard sale before your move.

Call The Moving Guys

To get a free estimate on your next move, call The Moving Guys at one of our three convenient locations: 732-333-1800 in Marlboro, 732-608-7178 in Beachwood, or 201-997-6200 in Kenilworth. If you need junk removal services, call our sister company The Junk Guys at 732-333-1805.